With the series "Lituras", Mario N. Ishikawa addresses the attack on human rights in the 1980s in Brazil
The series, presented at the exhibition "Arte Xerox Brasil", curated by Hudinilson Jr at the Pinacoteca de São Paulo in 1983, mobilizes a wide repertoire of gestures, such as crumpling, pricking and burning, to mischaracterize and render unreadable the document of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Begun in 1981 and only completed in 1989, "Lituras" connects two distinct moments in his work with commercial mediums of reproduction: a first, more lasting and well-known, which inscribes in his work the transgressive character of resistance to the civil-military dictatorship in Brazil; and a second, which records the artist's brief return to xerography after the country's redemocratization process. Ishikawa completed the “Lituras” series during the 20th Bienal de São Paulo (1989), which, as part of its exhibition program, made possible the 1st Studio International de Electrografia.
"Lituras" by Mario N. Ishikawa has been in the collection of the Museu de Arte Moderna de São Paulo (MAM SP) since 2003 and can be seen on Almeida & Dale's booth at ArPa 2024.
Almeida & Dale at ArPa 2024
Booth B6
June 26-29, Wed.-Sat., 1pm – 9pm
June 30, Sun., 11am-7pm
Praça Charles Miller, Pacaembu, São Paulo/SP, Brazil
Entry by rua Capivari, s/n – Portão 23, Pacaembu

Booth view from Almeida & Dale at ArPa 2024 | Photo: Filipe Berndt