Last days to visit "Some may work as symbols"
These are the last days to visit the exhibition “Some May Work as Symbols: Art Made in Brazil, 1950s-70s”, that brings together a group of 30 Brazilian artists - some of them never seen before in the United Kingdom - curated by Pablo Lafuente, artistic director of MAM Rio, and Thiago de Paula Souza, independent researcher and curator.
Held in partnership with the Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro (MAM Rio), the exhibition reflects on the richness of Brazilian visual culture, as well as on productions made invisible until recently in art historiography.
On view since March 13th, the exhibition features works by artists who were part of 20th century movements, such as abstractionism and neoconcretism, put in dialogue with productions by Afro-Brazilian artists, provoking a renewed and diverse vision of Brazilian art.
Heitor dos Prazeres and Rubem Valentim, artists whose works are seen in the Almeida & Dale’s collection, are present in the exhibition, which runs until May 5th at Raven Row, London, England.
Exhibition views from “Some May Work as Symbols: Art Made in Brazil, 1950s-70s”, Raven Row, 2024
Photos by: Marcus J Leith
Heitor dos Prazeres
Untitled, 1965
Oil on canvas
31 ¼ x 39 in